Thursday, June 24, 2010


I found that is a right time for me to attend the “Talent Development” training course, which was organized by my company. Actually, this kind of training course needs to practice from time to time. As we know that people tend to change from time to time. Today our need might not same as after few months.

One day before sit in the training, we were advised to complete our prework, which was answered all the 42 pages questionnaires. I was burning the overnight lamps in the hotel and finished the prework at 1.30am. :P

Although this one day training was a bit rush for us, but so far we have covered the following topics. There were TOP (talent, organization and passion), Career Best, Distinctiveness; Career Orientations; Four Stages of Contribution. Throughout this training I was getting to know myself more.

I was impressed by one of the topic, there was a Career Orientations. Based on the questionnaires result dated as 22/6, I have 2 dominants, there were Balance and Challenge. According to the facilitator, he advised me to look into it seriously and think carefully which one wills more close to me. Due to these two are conflicts among themselves. Seem like I have double characters. Haha… That’s why this afternoon, I tried the questionnaires again. It came out with a different result, but I surprised that no changes for Advancement and Security. Finally, the result is showing me that my dominant is situated at Balance. This is the truth of me.

If there is a chance, I wish to share this “Talent Development” with you, my friends.

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