Where Do We Go From Here?: 'Sebangsa, Senegara, Sejiwa'. From the first read of it, it touches me. Yes, I like this theme. Truly the spirit and feeling of united Malaysians.
Anak, Bangsa, Malaysia: ‘Sebangsa, Senegara, Sejiwa' is truly a good slogan. Fifty years after independence, we have not live up to the spirit of this slogan. Indeed, though the slogan is timely, the reality shows otherwise.
Nevertheless, let us move forward and let Pakatan take over the reins from BN and show that the slogan is not accidental but meant to be implemented many years ago.
Sodom Me Sodom You: Superb choice. With this, I can celebrate Merdeka with pride in my heart and tell my children what it means - that we are united as one nation and we share it together, regardless of race or religion. God bless my beloved nation and protect its children from 1Harm.
Govindankanan Kanan: So soothing and so meaningful, just like in the first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman's days. We Malaysians must treat each other as brothers and sisters.
Cantabrigian: 'One Nation, One Country, One Soul' sounds more inclusive and promotes unity between the government and the rakyat. 'Janji Ditepati, Kini Masa Balas Budi' is more like praising the government and reminding the rakyat to repay their ‘debt', Ah Long-style.
我蛮喜欢在野党提倡的"同族同国同心"('Sebangsa, Senegara, Sejiwa')国庆主题和认同以上的几个评语取摘于<<当今大马>>.
什么”一诺千金”('Janji Ditepati')?我读来读去,深入浅出的思考,还搞不懂此口号跟国庆独立日有何关系?个人感觉像是即将来临第13届选举的党口号.这跟我们人民团结一致有何关系?
从一个国庆主题可以看出一个执政者的素质,无能,思维肤浅,心胸狭窄.这些人已搞不清楚,有民后有国,还是有国后有民? 这些在位的当权者是民选还是天赐?他们应该为民服务, 还是人民应该奉献给他们?废领导,废政府,无奈的人民就得废除这些”废才”.