Sunday, September 2, 2012



日期:2012年9月1日 晚上10点12分
摘取: 《当今大马》

美国史丹佛大学(Stanford University)是加州一所重点大学,1885年,加州铁路大王李兰?史丹佛(Leland Stanford)决定在帕洛?阿图(Palo Alto)成立一所大学来纪念早逝的儿子,他首先捐出自己用来养马的8180英亩农场来建校。

史丹佛大学真正的崛起是在70年代,1959年,大学史无前例地将1000英亩土地以象征性的租金,长期低廉租给工商业界或校友来创业,再鼓励这些租户与大学合作,提供各种研究项目和实习机会。因此,史丹佛成为美国首家在校园内成立“工业园区”的大学。随着这个概念的成功,在校园内发展的企业渐渐向外发展扩张,形成了美国加州科技尖端及精英云集的“矽谷”(Silicon Valley)。

史丹佛大学教学讲究创新,最出色之一就是史丹佛科技创业计划中心(Stanford Technology Venture Program)的课程。听了这所中心的名字,人们往往都会联想到矽谷的高科技,可是,实际上,这所中心强调的是激发学生的新思维。



设计这5美元挑战的主任是婷娜?希莉格(Tina Seelig),她给比赛队伍的唯一线索就是别将焦点放在那5美元资金。


非常肯定的,读者会猜到政府内阁的答案。 你会听到建立100层摩天高楼,那位经常飞来飞去的旅游部长曾说一栋100层的建筑物将让马来西亚跻身进步行列也能吸引更多游客。

你会听到政府将会开设一个马来西亚电邮(1MALAYSIA email)帐户充当官方用途,让人民与政府之间可以直接沟通,并加强政府服务的效率。




或许民联目前也无法提供出色的答案,可是,各位读者,请仔细想想婷娜 . 希莉格的5美元挑战,为什么会有14队学生参于?因为只有竞争,才能激发思考能力,才能激发队伍活力及激发以民为先的意识。如果民联没有出色的表现,纳吉早已解散国会,而不须拖延到现在。如果没有日益增加的民联支持者,过去40年没有听过的一个马来西亚 500 令吉援助金也不会出现。各位读者,我们改变态度,我们就会发现这个国家还是能成为先进国,只是不是在国阵的带领下。只有改变,我们才会有未来!


Thursday, August 2, 2012


Where Do We Go From Here?: 'Sebangsa, Senegara, Sejiwa'. From the first read of it, it touches me. Yes, I like this theme. Truly the spirit and feeling of united Malaysians.

Anak, Bangsa, Malaysia: ‘Sebangsa, Senegara, Sejiwa' is truly a good slogan. Fifty years after independence, we have not live up to the spirit of this slogan. Indeed, though the slogan is timely, the reality shows otherwise. Nevertheless, let us move forward and let Pakatan take over the reins from BN and show that the slogan is not accidental but meant to be implemented many years ago.

Sodom Me Sodom You: Superb choice. With this, I can celebrate Merdeka with pride in my heart and tell my children what it means - that we are united as one nation and we share it together, regardless of race or religion. God bless my beloved nation and protect its children from 1Harm.

Govindankanan Kanan: So soothing and so meaningful, just like in the first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman's days. We Malaysians must treat each other as brothers and sisters.

Cantabrigian: 'One Nation, One Country, One Soul' sounds more inclusive and promotes unity between the government and the rakyat. 'Janji Ditepati, Kini Masa Balas Budi' is more like praising the government and reminding the rakyat to repay their ‘debt', Ah Long-style.

我蛮喜欢在野党提倡的"同族同国同心"('Sebangsa, Senegara, Sejiwa')国庆主题和认同以上的几个评语取摘于<<当今大马>>.


什么”一诺千金”('Janji Ditepati')?我读来读去,深入浅出的思考,还搞不懂此口号跟国庆独立日有何关系?个人感觉像是即将来临第13届选举的党口号.这跟我们人民团结一致有何关系?

从一个国庆主题可以看出一个执政者的素质,无能,思维肤浅,心胸狭窄.这些人已搞不清楚,有民后有国,还是有国后有民? 这些在位的当权者是民选还是天赐?他们应该为民服务, 还是人民应该奉献给他们?废领导,废政府,无奈的人民就得废除这些”废才”.

Saturday, March 31, 2012



日期:2012年3月30日 傍晚7点17分

世界自然基金會(WWF)发起的「Earth Hour地球一小時」关灯活动,将在这个星期六331晚上8.30举行,当天晚上,很多全球知名的地标,将会集体熄灯,以唤醒全球人民响应绿色生活,传达环保节能的理念。

这个持续了数年的活动,笔者曾在数年前关电的那一天,sms给众好友,提醒他们有这个 “关灯一小时” 的活动,希望他们也能为这一晚赋予特别的意义。

谁知,有一个朋友回我说:“ 我不会在今天特地关灯的,因为我平时都环保省电,而且我觉得,没必要这样做,今天省电1天,其他364天都在浪费电,省电不是该从平时的每一天做起的吗,今天这样做,有什么意义?”















Wednesday, January 11, 2012



日期:2012年1月11日 下午4点38分






大家还记得台湾立法院大打出手的场面吧?这种情况一度令台湾成为国际的笑柄,甚至是出现在好莱坞儿童电影“苏斯博士,戴高帽的猫”(Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat)里。可是,时间最终证明台湾的民主走对了路,成熟了。












Saturday, November 26, 2011

Most Islamic countries in the world are non-Muslim

Writter: Yin Ee Kiong writes from Indonesia.
Date: 1:54PM Nov 25, 2011
Article from Malaysiakini. (

What makes a good Islamic country? Is it one where the people dress conservatively (or even severely in the case of women), adhere strictly to the rituals of Islam, where shariah laws apply?

Or is a good Islamic country one that keeps to the substantive teachings of Islam, more concerned with the content rather than the form of the religion? Where fairness, justice, honesty are the cornerstones of government policies and of its citizens' daily dealings.

How is a good Muslim judged? By the number of times he prays a day, by how assiduously he keeps to the rules? Or by how he lives the true meaning of his faith?

A study by Scheherazade S Rehman and Hossein Askari from George Washington University, published in the Global Economy Journal Vol 10 drew surprising conclusions.

The study examined if policies of Muslim countries (or Muslim majority countries) were founded on Islamic principles in comparison to non-Muslim countries. 208 countries were studied.

The criteria: economic opportunity, economic freedom, corruption, financial systems and human rights were used to measure the level of 'Islamicity' (based on an information website about Islam and Muslims).

The study found that most Islamic countries did not conduct themselves according to Islamic principles concerning economic, financial, political, legal, social and governance issues.

This is reflected in the governments in those countries but also the practices of the citizens in their daily dealings. Even at a social level it was found that many non-Muslim countries did much better in keeping to Islamic values.

The most ‘Islamic' country the study found was actually non-Muslim – New Zealand. Luxembourg came second. The top 37 countries in the study were all non-Muslim.

Imaddudin Abdulrahim, one of Indonesia's leading thinkers on Islamic monotheism claimed that Ames, a small city in Iowa, represents an exemplar of an Islamic state.

Yet Islam does not play a part in the day-to-day social, economic and political life of the city. The population does not observe Islamic rules on food or dress.

Imaddudin was not interested in form; he used parameters which reflect what he considered true Islam – trust, justice, fairness, freedom.

He found that people did not lock their doors when they went out and yet no one trespassed.

If you returned a broken egg to the grocer he accepted that it was broken when you bought it and replaced it without question.

People were honest in their dealings irrespective of the value of the transaction.

The government was fair and non-discriminatory. People were accepting of ethnic or religious differences.

He saw Islam beyond shariah and beyond its textual appearances. He was more concerned with the substantive elements of the religion.

Recently I enquired through a friend the possibility of getting a scholarship (from a certain university funded by a Muslim tycoon) for an Indian girl who had done very well in her exams but whose parents were poor and unable to send her to university. I was told in no uncertain terms that scholarships were only given to Muslims.

How does this reflect the true values of Islam?

When I was in Sudan I visited villages where artesian water was pumped out by equipment donated by Christian charities. I saw clinics and schools built and maintained by Christian foundations. Every village involved was however 100 percent Muslim!

Is there anywhere in any ‘Christian' country where Muslims are forbidden to build mosques? As long as they comply with the local building codes they have every right to do so and the law will protects their rights.

Yet this is not the case in many Muslim countries. No wonder so many non-Muslim countries score higher than Muslim ones based on Islamic principles.

It's no use spouting chapter and verse of the Quran if our deeds do not match the words we mouth.

We can follow all the rituals – fast, do the haj, pray five times a day, abstain from non-halal food, and cover ourselves. They all count for little if our deeds do not reflect the values of the religion.

If we are corrupt, if we discriminate against others because of ethnicity or religion, if we deny freedom of worship to others or even to one's own, are we living by the true values of Islam?

Are our economic policies geared to help those at the bottom of the ladder or do they benefit the top disproportionately? Is our political system fair?

Do we respect human rights? Have we an untainted legal system? Is our governance transparent and accountable? Are we tolerant of other religions and not impede their practice?

By any of the above criteria Malaysia has failed to live up to Islamic principles.

The authorities obstruct the building of non-Muslim places of worship – or even demolish them.

Christians are persecuted on dubious grounds. Our government discriminates on race and religion. Corruption is rife especially in high places.

The poor (the majority of whom are Malays) are left behind while the rich get richer. There is no respect for human rights and the political system is skewed.

On every count we fail to live up to Islamic values.

Lately radical Muslims have started to see ‘Christians under the bed' – an Islamic form of the infamous McCarthyism of the fifties in the US.

They imagine that Christians are out to proselytise their fellow believers. They don't believe that other Muslims can be more sophisticated than they and can make up their own minds what to believe in.

More than that, they demand Christians desist in doing whatever may remotely be a threat to them.

If these people were in charge in Sudan there would have been a lot of thirsty people and a lot of people without medicine and children without schooling.

I suppose they will now pass a fatwa that no Muslims must go to Christian hospitals. The Seventh Day Adventist Hospital in Penang has been servicing the people for a long time and a lot of Muslims use the hospital.

There are symbols of Christianity everywhere and there are Bible tracts for those who want to read them.

Going by recent events the hospital could be charged with proselytising. If so I think they would have failed miserably - I doubt a single Muslim patient has converted.

You go to a hospital because you are sick and because you think it gives good service. You send your children to a school because you think it gives your children the best education, you drink because you are thirsty, you don't care who paid for the pump that brought the water out.

Religion does not come into the reckoning for most people in this way.

Conversely you provide care irrespective of that person's religion or give scholarships because the person is poor and deserving, irrespective of her skin colour or her religion.

If Malaysia lives up to the real values of Islam and not its superficiality, the country would be much better off.

Radical Muslims should be careful that the Christians they imagine lurking under their beds may turn out to be better Muslims than themselves.

But then maybe that's the crux of the problem, they are being exposed for what they are, faux Muslims.

Thursday, July 14, 2011



日期:2011年7月12日 下午 1点00分




清楚可见警察发射催泪弹或水炮在医院里: ---> this one clearly see the tear gas canister inside the hospital compound ---> check out at 0:45 to 0:53 ---> check out at 0:09 to 0:12 ---> water cannon ---> by Patrick Leong










Saturday, July 9, 2011